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The Woodstock Comprehensive Plan

    The Comprehensive Plan

Not To Be
At a recent candidates night at the Lake Hill firehouse the town Supervisor, Jeremy Wilber, indicated that his administration will be taking no action on the Comprehensive Plan. It's dead in the water.

Guide for Future Development
At a cost of $50,000 and several years in the making the Comprehensive Plan was to be the blueprint for Woodstock's future development. Most towns have Comprehensive plans to guide future development within a township. The Comprehensive Plan lay the legal groundwork in terms of a development framework. The future zoning laws should reflect the concerns outlined in the Comprehensive Plan.

Firehouse Meetings
The information for the Comprehensive Plan was developed from a series of "firehouse meetings" held throughout Woodstock. This information was used as a basis of a questioner sent to town residents. 933 responses were returned for to the Town for tabulation and analysis.

Citizen Input
This citizen input was the foundation on which the Comprehensive Plan was built upon. It reflected a general consensus of how the residents of Woodstock wanted to see their community grow.

Affordable Housing
As usual Supervisor Wilber and his minions (Wemp, McKenna and Knight) have other ideas. His rational was that there were some resident who objected to the proposed RUPCO affordable housing project on the St John site behind the Bradley Meadows Mall.

Twisted Logic
In a display of twisted logic the Supervisor does not take a position on the merits of the project itself, but he rejects the Comprehensive Plan on the basis of opposition to the affordable housing project by various neighbors.

Excellent Candidate
The Comprehensive Plan indicated that the site as an excellent candidate for affordable and senior housing. It was in the middle of hamlet within walking of the necessities. It did not however, spell out the size and scope of such a project.

Too Large
Quite frankly, the project as proposed is too large for the footprint. It was the town's Affordable Housing Committee's process chaired by Councilman Wemp, that was faulty. By rejecting other sites out of hand and not bringing in the neighbors to hear their concerns before the project became a "fait accompli", is not recipe for success or trust. Then again, "trust" is not a hallmark of the Wilber Administration.

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Zoning Map of Woodstock

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Hamlet of Woodstock

Hamlet of Bearsville